Victoria Ramadi has always loved learning. Her passion for education has driven her focus in all corners of her life. As an educator, she enjoys teaching others. As an individual, she enjoys teaching herself! In particular, Ramadi adores learning languages different from her own native tongue. This passion has led her to become fluent in French, which is by now one of her all-time favorite languages.
Having enjoyed a thriving career in education, Victoria Ramadi believes that learning adds something special to all of our lives. She also believes that learning languages different from our own helps us to become more connected to the world. At the most basic level, learning a new language helps enrich our grasp on our primary language. For many years, Ramadi has studied French and her passion for the language has fueled her fascination with French culture.
Fun Facts About French
- There are approximately 220 million French speakers around the world.
Out of these 220 million individuals, 80 million are native speakers. That means that the majority of speakers have become fluent in French by choice! Victoria Ramadi is one of the 140 million individuals who chose to learn French outside of their own language.
- 45% of English words have French origins.
Learning a new language often adds value to our understanding of our native tongue! This is due to the connections we are able to make between the two languages. Victoria Ramadi has expanded her English vocabulary immensely, all by learning French!
- The letter “w” does not exist in French.
Of course, the letter “w” is a part of the French alphabet. However, the letter is not found in any authentically French words. It is only present in words that the French borrow from other languages, such as English. These words are known as “loanwords.”
Learning about the French language has helped Victoria Ramadi expand her ability to educate other people around the world. Equipped with the versatility of multilinguality, Ramadi is able to communicate with more people each time she sets out to learn another language. By now, she is fluent in French, an accomplishment which has been recognized by the French government. She looks forward to learning other languages so that she can work directly with even more educational charities around the world!